What to Do When You Find a Spotted Lanternfly

An invading bug that seriously threatens many different plants and trees is the spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula. Should you have come upon this bug, you must act quickly to stop it from spreading. This is a thorough tutorial on how to handle a spotted lanternfly discovery.

List the Spotted Lanternfly.

Make sure you can correctly identify the spotted lanternfly before acting. This bug is very visually striking:

Adults have grayish wings covered with black dots and are around one inch length and one half inch broad. Their wings tip in black and crimson.

Smaller and in four stages, nymphs start black with white dots then change to red with white markings.

Prompt Actions to Perform

Control the pest:

Should you come into a spotted lanternfly, attempt to destroy it right away. You may do this using a fly swatter or by squishing it under a paper towel. To prevent direct touch, be sure you use gloves.

Masses of eggs: Scrape off from trees or other surfaces. Peel them using a plastic card or scraper. To discard the eggs, put them in a bag and seal it.

Report Your Find:

State Reporting: To document your observation, get in touch with your local environmental or agricultural agency. Many states have hotlines or online forms for reporting invading species.

Online Resources: Send your report using websites from nearby colleges and extension agencies or apps designed for Spotted Lanternfly Reporting.

Review Your Vehicles:

Check often; spotted lanternflies may ride on cars. Look for any stowaways before relocating your automobile, particularly if you have parked close to regions of infestation.

Regular washing of your car can help to eliminate any possible bugs.

Stopping Future Pandemas

Remain vigilant:

Check your property’s plants and trees often for evidence of spotted lanternflies and their egg masses.

Educate Others:

Tell neighbors and local businesses about the spotted lanternfly to raise awareness and stop its spread.

Apply controlling strategies:

Apply pesticides meant to be successful against spotted lantern flies. For safe and efficient usage, be sure you follow manufacturer directions.

Install tree bands or barriers to catch adults and nymphs as they ascend and descend the tree trunks.

In summary

Reacting quickly when you come across a spotted lanternfly can help to greatly slow down its spread and save our ecosystems. Killing the pest, documenting occurrences, and taking preventative actions can assist to lessen the effect of this invading species.

See the agriculture department website of your state or get local extension services for more comprehensive information and resources.

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